Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The "Oh Shit. I'm Old" Day

(Written around 7 hours after officially being 27)

Picture taken from here. Coincidentally, the article from where the picture was taken discussed about what it is like being 30 and 'left behind' by almost all your friends. Read up. Good one (or not so good for singles)

Oh well. A couple of years ago I thought of birthdays as special occasions that needed to be celebrated differently. I usually made special plan to do something with friends or anyone available and then I also made a list of target that I would like myself to do after being one year older (albeit I never actually did something to accomplish it. The act of making the list is what's important). Generally, I would feel optimistic and happy and upbeat.

This year though, I feel differently. There is this anticlimactic feeling that I have when I realize that today is my 27th birthday. I don't feel like making special plans or anything. I am happy enough to receive congratulatory messages from family and friends but that's about it. I don't feel like going out and do something special. I can't event think of making that yearly to-do-list. All I'm doing, the first time I woke up this morning, is looking back for all the things that I've done throughout the year and suddenly one realization hits me hard and cold.  

What the fuck have I been doing? I haven't actually done anything. I spent time doing nothing for 27 years.

Okay. To be fair, I did do some things.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bigbang Alive Galaxy Tour Indonesia 2012: A Mixed Bag of Perfection and Disappointment

(Warning: This is going to be a long post. Namanya aja curhat)

Bigbang is perfection.

Okay barangkali saya memang sedikit bias mengingat Bigbang adalah boyband Korea favorit saya (my journey with Kpop begins with them and thus, they always have this special spot in my heart) but objectively, konser Bigbang kemarin malam sangat memuaskan. Mulai dari aksi panggung yang tertata rapi, lighting dan efek panggung yang cukup membangun suasana sampai sound dan audio yang bombastis (kuping saya masih terasa berdengung beberapa saat setelah keluar dari venue. Not that I'm complaining). Overall, Bigbang delivered what was expected from them and then some.

Tapi, cerita saya tidak berhenti di paragraf pertama saja. Ada beberapa kekecewaan yang rasakan ketika menonton konser Bigbang kemarin malam dan kekecewaan tersebut sedikit banyak mengurangi antuasisme saya menonton konser Bigbang kemarin.

Loh memangnya saya kecewa kenapa? Oh banyak.