Friday, December 6, 2013

Learning English

Saya sebenarnya tidak pernah merasa kalau diri saya lancar (fluent) berbahasa Inggris. Saya hanya merasa saya cukup mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris (proficient) sehingga kalau sewaktu-waktu dilempar ke negara manapun yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa utama, ya saya masih bisa berfungsi dengan baik.

Tapi belakangan saya memperhatikan bahwa ternyata beberapa orang menganggap saya lancar dalam berbahasa Inggris, sehingga kemudian bertanya: "Bagaimana sih cara belajar bahasa Inggris yang cepat, baik dan benar?" Mereka ingin tahu metode yang selama ini saya gunakan untuk belajar bahasa - kalau tidak untuk diri mereka sendiri, ya untuk anak-anak mereka.


Saya sih tidak tahu apakah cara belajar bahasa saya selama ini sudah baik dan benar, tapi saya bisa mengatakan ini: bahwa mempelajari bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu pengalaman/proses belajar yang paling menyenangkan buat saya. Learning English has always been enjoyable. Kok bisa?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm Getting A Divorce! (Maybe)

(Note: I'm not being depressed anything. Like many of my previous personal posts, mostly I'm just being contemplative and dark and quirky. In other words, I'm just being me. Most people won't understand but really. I'm just being me)

(Check out the funny card: here)

No, I'm not married (yet).

But if marriage means being in a long term/lifetime committed relationship with something (not someone), I'm clearly married...

A Little Life Update

(picture taken from here. I always like this kind of feet walking shot. It kinda reminds me of me and my soft spot for walking. Walking is therapeutic, you know! Too bad Indonesia is not exactly the best place for pedestrian where being one sometimes equal to being suicidal)


I haven't been writing anything for a while. For someone who supposedly loves writing, I've been holding myself against writing from at least three months already. Somehow I always finds reasons not to write -  writer's block, procrastination tendency and too many kdramas to watch. But the truth is, I don't really have an explanation or justification for my absence of writing. I just don't feel like it.

I don't feel like doing anything, in fact.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Book Review: The Fault In Our Stars - John Green

(Side note: When I started writing this review, I tried to write in Bahasa instead. But somehow, I just couldn't find the flow. So despite the fact that my English is far less than perfect, I kinda feel much more at ease writing it in English. So..) 

I bought my first John Green book around one month ago while taking a stroll at the mall. I don't know what exactly attracted me to this not-so-thick book titled 'The Fault In Our Stars' (well, beside the fact that it's listed as New York Times Bestseller. I have a thing for those bestseller sticker. I'm shallow that way) but since I was looking for a light and fun reading that I could use while waiting for the bus that usually takes forever to show up, I decided to buy this one. I fully expected this book to be a cute love story that is interesting enough to make my waiting hours bearable. 

I was wrong.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One of Those Times When You Wish You Have A Time Machine

Woah. That's a long title.
Anyway, I think better while writing so I decided to write this.

I kinda hurt my head thinking about the next step I should take.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Movie Review: Rectoverso

(I decided to write this review in English. And as usual, my english is not the best. I'll apologize beforehand)

Side note before you start reading the review: this review is my personal opinion about the movie, so it's probably just me who feel this way. Other people might like this movie more than I do, which means we simply have different taste. So what I'm saying is... let's be cool, okay? Try not to kill me if you disagree. Oh and also: this is not a review about Rectoverso The Book.  

Picture taken from here

Truth to be told, I haven't read Rectoverso The Book. But if Supernova The Series is any indication, I trust Dewi 'Dee" Lestari talent in storytelling. I was enchanted by her profound insight and rare sensiblity in Supernova The Series, so when my friend dragged me to watch Rectoverso The Movie last week, I kinda had a high expectation. I mean, you already have a good story (or five, in this case) in your hand, right? How could you possibly ruin that?

Well, apparently in many ways (I should have learned my lesson from Harry Potter).