Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm Getting A Divorce! (Maybe)

(Note: I'm not being depressed anything. Like many of my previous personal posts, mostly I'm just being contemplative and dark and quirky. In other words, I'm just being me. Most people won't understand but really. I'm just being me)

(Check out the funny card: here)

No, I'm not married (yet).

But if marriage means being in a long term/lifetime committed relationship with something (not someone), I'm clearly married...

A Little Life Update

(picture taken from here. I always like this kind of feet walking shot. It kinda reminds me of me and my soft spot for walking. Walking is therapeutic, you know! Too bad Indonesia is not exactly the best place for pedestrian where being one sometimes equal to being suicidal)


I haven't been writing anything for a while. For someone who supposedly loves writing, I've been holding myself against writing from at least three months already. Somehow I always finds reasons not to write -  writer's block, procrastination tendency and too many kdramas to watch. But the truth is, I don't really have an explanation or justification for my absence of writing. I just don't feel like it.

I don't feel like doing anything, in fact.