*Spoiler: it's going to be a long post. And again, I would like to apologize for my bad English beforehand*
This year KPop Festival was the first concert that I ever attended alone because I couldn't find anyone that share the same interest about KPop here in Sydney. I was a little bit worried that I might get lonely at the venue. But nah, who am I kidding? I am good at having fun on my own. I screamed and sang to all performances the same way that I did whenever I watched concerts with my friends (probably even better. Because I did have an experience watching a concert with people who just turned down the mood and made everything sour. That's why I always believe this: go anywhere with good friends and you'll have a good time. Go somewhere nearby with one wrong person and you'll be in hell)

Those who are familiar with KPop would understand why I got really excited to watch today's festival. Just look at the line-up: Shinee, Miss A, 2AM, Secret, Sistar, Beast, SNSD, 4Minute, MBLAQ, CN Blue, Kara and DBSK. All the hottest name in KPop was here in Sydney last night and I am completely happy that I had the chance to see them performing live. I mean, geographically speaking, I was only 200 metres from those people that I used to see on YouTube. Anyway I'm not going to talk about everything because I don't think I can remember every single details about the festival (this brain is getting older and older every seconds), but there some highlights that I would like to share.
First, Shinee had the best opening performance ever. The boys performed Lucifer, Hello and Ring Ding Dong and I had a moment of regret of the fact that I didn't buy VIP ticket *jambak rambut* Today's stage was set as an L-stage, so those lucky fans who bought VIP tickets would be able to see them up close and personal. Like, right in front of their nose. I, on the other hand, could not see them clearly because I was seated on the upper level of ANZ stadium. All performers looked like ants from where I was sitting *jambak rambut lagi* But five minutes on, I realized that there was another big screen right behind me, so I could see them clearly from that big screen (although my neck became really stiff after four hours). Therefore, every single video that I took was actually aimed at the big screen (not the performers. Remember, me sitting far away = people looked like ants)
(You can see how I suddenly realized that there was a big screen behind me)
When Beast showed up, I thought my ear was going to be deaf because everyone was screaming like crazy. Well, I can see why they are the hottest boy band at the moment: the song is good, the dance is sharp and they are good looking (Good choice with the gray suit, by the way. One of the best outfits of the night). But you know, I am just not that into them (they are just too young - the same reason why I never really into Shinee as well) and that fact makes me feel a little bit isolated and felt old. While everybody was screaming, I was just nodding my head and humming. Anyway, the stage was great and I especially like the green laser ray (did I write this the right way?) as the special effect. Oh I almost forget. One of Beast members did catch my attention (because he looked less young-ish. And he was damn cute when he winked) and I remember made a mental note to find out who he is when I got home. So, one Google search later, I finally know his name: Son Dong Woon.
(I swear, I didn't scream)
Speaking of suit, I so wanted to fire MBLAQ's stylist if only I had the authority. When will they ever learn to listen to what Barney has been saying all the time to Ted: "Suit Up!" because frankly, man looks best when they are neatly suited up (preferably with six pack chocolate abs underneath). That black-transparent-vampire outfit does not look attractive at all and I kept screaming in my head: "Just give the boys the black suit, for God's sake. Stop trying to be so artsy or whatever" Because the boys of MBLAQ are relatively more manly than other boybands performing that night (I guess their relatively older age helps the boys to ooze that sense of manliness out of them), so yeah I guess what I wanted to say is this: stop dressing them like they are younger than their age. Give them suits. Or should I send you this footage of Barney saying "Suit Up!!" ?
(credit: morgothcrazyer)
Anyway, I just realized that Lee Joon is totally adorkable! Hahaha, he kept throwing this silly smile throughout the performance like he was not totally sure what kind of face that he should put forward - I think, they ought to look tough and sexy, but he was just too embarrassed to act that way in front of so many strangers. So he ended up looking like an adorable high schooler who pretend to be manly but one seconds later, couldn't stop giggle at his own bravado. Cute! There was this one time when he introduced MBLAQ's last performance.
Lee Joon:" Next Song! Mona-Lija!! (instead of Monalisa) " and then he giggled so loud at the sound of his broken English. I think I just died of the cuteness there.
Next up we have SNSD and Kara, two of the best girl groups in Korea at the moment. Performance-wise, I think I prefer Kara over SNSD. I'm not a hater, I love SNSD's song but I think Kara has a more energetic and captivating performance. Maybe it's because Kara performed more upbeat songs last night (the girls performed Step, Mister and Lupin - songs which I usually used to dance like a wild chicken if I couldn't sleep). On the other hand, SNSD looks too pretty and have too much cutesy action on their stage, something which I think comes automatically for the girls' popular hit songs such as Kissing You and Gee. I looked forward for a more badass action for their 'The Boys' performance, but nope. SNSD kept being pretty and that was it. Oh and another note: why didn't they sing the english version of The Boys?
But anyway, the girls of SNSD are truly pretty especially Yoona. Now I understand all the fuss about her. I might be wrong (remember I was sitting at the upper level of the stadium), but I believe I saw Yoona had a perfectly toned abs (something that I didn't expect because I thought she was just too skinny) and that, my friends, made me jealous to no end. Pretty face with awesome body? Who said life is fair? *grumbling while eating free ramyun that the EO handed over last night* Oh and don't get me wrong. The girls of Kara are pretty as well. But the outfit? Yikes. The awfulness of those tight-latex-black and white-maid-inspired outfits reduced Kara's pretty points for me. Theirs and Mblaq's are the worst outfits of the night and I stick with my argument that they should get a new stylist.
(The outfit. Gah)
Last stage of tonight was DBSK and truth to be told, their stage was what I was waiting forward the most. And they did not disappoint. There's a reason why this two guys (plus the three members of JYJ) are called the King of KPop. They are confident and manly without being over the top. Again, I argue that age helps them to recreate manliness for their stage. It's one thing to act tough and badass (Refer to Beast -Shock/Fact and Fiction or Shinee - Lucifer, if you need any illustration), but it's a completely different thing to actually be mature and sexy (Refer to DBSK - Mirotic/Keep Your Head Down or TOP - Knock it Up, if you are still confused what am I talking about). DBSK did not have to force themselves to look tense, scowl or do any other expressions to show that they are the man of the night (one of the reason why I don't really understand 2PM. It's tiring to see them make wry faces all the time). They were simply there as their own selves, dancing with a sense of confidence while showing a glimpse of smirk (like they were trying to say: "Yeah ya like that, do ya?") throughout the performance. Which killed me every single time. IMO, Changmin is much more better than Yunho in realizing that confidence is the best weapon of all time. While Yunho were looking serious and concentrated on his perfect moves, Changmin stood out and gave the audience the smirk that I was talking about. This boy is dangerous for my heart (It kinda makes me feel weird to actually like him, while knowing that he is the same age with my brother - three years younger. But well, I can always handle three years *delusional*)
Overall the performance was great but not completely mind-blowing. It was a festival afterall, which means most performers only got the chance to sing 2-3 of their hit songs and it looked like that they were running on a strict schedule so they didn't really have time to be interactive (well the language barrier was also present. Since they have to wait for translators to translate words from the performers, reaction from audience was always delayed which, for me was hilarious), so I guess it was okay not to get a VIP ticket for this one. It taught me something though: If I ever had a chance to see BigBang, I would make sure to get VVIP tickets. That's a promise.
I had a great fun last night, thanks to all of the KPop stars. Till we meet again!! Annyeong :D
This year KPop Festival was the first concert that I ever attended alone because I couldn't find anyone that share the same interest about KPop here in Sydney. I was a little bit worried that I might get lonely at the venue. But nah, who am I kidding? I am good at having fun on my own. I screamed and sang to all performances the same way that I did whenever I watched concerts with my friends (probably even better. Because I did have an experience watching a concert with people who just turned down the mood and made everything sour. That's why I always believe this: go anywhere with good friends and you'll have a good time. Go somewhere nearby with one wrong person and you'll be in hell)
Those who are familiar with KPop would understand why I got really excited to watch today's festival. Just look at the line-up: Shinee, Miss A, 2AM, Secret, Sistar, Beast, SNSD, 4Minute, MBLAQ, CN Blue, Kara and DBSK. All the hottest name in KPop was here in Sydney last night and I am completely happy that I had the chance to see them performing live. I mean, geographically speaking, I was only 200 metres from those people that I used to see on YouTube. Anyway I'm not going to talk about everything because I don't think I can remember every single details about the festival (this brain is getting older and older every seconds), but there some highlights that I would like to share.
First, Shinee had the best opening performance ever. The boys performed Lucifer, Hello and Ring Ding Dong and I had a moment of regret of the fact that I didn't buy VIP ticket *jambak rambut* Today's stage was set as an L-stage, so those lucky fans who bought VIP tickets would be able to see them up close and personal. Like, right in front of their nose. I, on the other hand, could not see them clearly because I was seated on the upper level of ANZ stadium. All performers looked like ants from where I was sitting *jambak rambut lagi* But five minutes on, I realized that there was another big screen right behind me, so I could see them clearly from that big screen (although my neck became really stiff after four hours). Therefore, every single video that I took was actually aimed at the big screen (not the performers. Remember, me sitting far away = people looked like ants)
(You can see how I suddenly realized that there was a big screen behind me)
When Beast showed up, I thought my ear was going to be deaf because everyone was screaming like crazy. Well, I can see why they are the hottest boy band at the moment: the song is good, the dance is sharp and they are good looking (Good choice with the gray suit, by the way. One of the best outfits of the night). But you know, I am just not that into them (they are just too young - the same reason why I never really into Shinee as well) and that fact makes me feel a little bit isolated and felt old. While everybody was screaming, I was just nodding my head and humming. Anyway, the stage was great and I especially like the green laser ray (did I write this the right way?) as the special effect. Oh I almost forget. One of Beast members did catch my attention (because he looked less young-ish. And he was damn cute when he winked) and I remember made a mental note to find out who he is when I got home. So, one Google search later, I finally know his name: Son Dong Woon.
(I swear, I didn't scream)
Speaking of suit, I so wanted to fire MBLAQ's stylist if only I had the authority. When will they ever learn to listen to what Barney has been saying all the time to Ted: "Suit Up!" because frankly, man looks best when they are neatly suited up (preferably with six pack chocolate abs underneath). That black-transparent-vampire outfit does not look attractive at all and I kept screaming in my head: "Just give the boys the black suit, for God's sake. Stop trying to be so artsy or whatever" Because the boys of MBLAQ are relatively more manly than other boybands performing that night (I guess their relatively older age helps the boys to ooze that sense of manliness out of them), so yeah I guess what I wanted to say is this: stop dressing them like they are younger than their age. Give them suits. Or should I send you this footage of Barney saying "Suit Up!!" ?
(credit: morgothcrazyer)
Anyway, I just realized that Lee Joon is totally adorkable! Hahaha, he kept throwing this silly smile throughout the performance like he was not totally sure what kind of face that he should put forward - I think, they ought to look tough and sexy, but he was just too embarrassed to act that way in front of so many strangers. So he ended up looking like an adorable high schooler who pretend to be manly but one seconds later, couldn't stop giggle at his own bravado. Cute! There was this one time when he introduced MBLAQ's last performance.
Lee Joon:" Next Song! Mona-Lija!! (instead of Monalisa) " and then he giggled so loud at the sound of his broken English. I think I just died of the cuteness there.
Next up we have SNSD and Kara, two of the best girl groups in Korea at the moment. Performance-wise, I think I prefer Kara over SNSD. I'm not a hater, I love SNSD's song but I think Kara has a more energetic and captivating performance. Maybe it's because Kara performed more upbeat songs last night (the girls performed Step, Mister and Lupin - songs which I usually used to dance like a wild chicken if I couldn't sleep). On the other hand, SNSD looks too pretty and have too much cutesy action on their stage, something which I think comes automatically for the girls' popular hit songs such as Kissing You and Gee. I looked forward for a more badass action for their 'The Boys' performance, but nope. SNSD kept being pretty and that was it. Oh and another note: why didn't they sing the english version of The Boys?
But anyway, the girls of SNSD are truly pretty especially Yoona. Now I understand all the fuss about her. I might be wrong (remember I was sitting at the upper level of the stadium), but I believe I saw Yoona had a perfectly toned abs (something that I didn't expect because I thought she was just too skinny) and that, my friends, made me jealous to no end. Pretty face with awesome body? Who said life is fair? *grumbling while eating free ramyun that the EO handed over last night* Oh and don't get me wrong. The girls of Kara are pretty as well. But the outfit? Yikes. The awfulness of those tight-latex-black and white-maid-inspired outfits reduced Kara's pretty points for me. Theirs and Mblaq's are the worst outfits of the night and I stick with my argument that they should get a new stylist.
(The outfit. Gah)
Last stage of tonight was DBSK and truth to be told, their stage was what I was waiting forward the most. And they did not disappoint. There's a reason why this two guys (plus the three members of JYJ) are called the King of KPop. They are confident and manly without being over the top. Again, I argue that age helps them to recreate manliness for their stage. It's one thing to act tough and badass (Refer to Beast -Shock/Fact and Fiction or Shinee - Lucifer, if you need any illustration), but it's a completely different thing to actually be mature and sexy (Refer to DBSK - Mirotic/Keep Your Head Down or TOP - Knock it Up, if you are still confused what am I talking about). DBSK did not have to force themselves to look tense, scowl or do any other expressions to show that they are the man of the night (one of the reason why I don't really understand 2PM. It's tiring to see them make wry faces all the time). They were simply there as their own selves, dancing with a sense of confidence while showing a glimpse of smirk (like they were trying to say: "Yeah ya like that, do ya?") throughout the performance. Which killed me every single time. IMO, Changmin is much more better than Yunho in realizing that confidence is the best weapon of all time. While Yunho were looking serious and concentrated on his perfect moves, Changmin stood out and gave the audience the smirk that I was talking about. This boy is dangerous for my heart (It kinda makes me feel weird to actually like him, while knowing that he is the same age with my brother - three years younger. But well, I can always handle three years *delusional*)
Overall the performance was great but not completely mind-blowing. It was a festival afterall, which means most performers only got the chance to sing 2-3 of their hit songs and it looked like that they were running on a strict schedule so they didn't really have time to be interactive (well the language barrier was also present. Since they have to wait for translators to translate words from the performers, reaction from audience was always delayed which, for me was hilarious), so I guess it was okay not to get a VIP ticket for this one. It taught me something though: If I ever had a chance to see BigBang, I would make sure to get VVIP tickets. That's a promise.
I had a great fun last night, thanks to all of the KPop stars. Till we meet again!! Annyeong :D